Lahn Nguyen


About ~

Hi there, and thanks for visiting my portfolio. I'm Lahn, a Creative Director and Art Director with 15+ years of experience working in advertising and branding where I have brought ideas to life, lead dynamic teams, and nurtured environments for creative excellence. I've had the privilege of working on a diverse array of projects, from shaping 360 ad campaigns to devising creative strategies and visual systems for a global audience of billions. I’m passionate about creating meaningful work of enduring value – work that makes a contribution to people’s lives, big or small.

If you’re interested in working together, please email me and 👋 say hello!



Expertise ~

Creative direction, art direction, brand design, visual systems, leading both internal & external teams, vendor relations and agency management, digital, social, cultural content, video, experiential, out-of-home, end-to-end production


Brands ~

Meta / Instagram / Facebook / Udemy / NASA / Product (RED) / BusinessWeek Magazine / HUMMER / Napster / TIAA-CREF / Cadillac / Hearts On Fire / MIT / Rockport Shoes / The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / Art Center College of Design / Stop Handgun Violence